Engage your customer & Accelerate your Sales
with iGlow BIZ BOT

Contact Us

How it Works

We assist throughout the onboarding process and setting up your application ready to go.
Register with WhatsApp bussiness and subscribe to the required APIs.
Setup Your Menu
Create and manage WhatApp Auto reply with our powerful admin panel.
Generate leads & more
Engage your audiences and start generating leads

We Make Things Better

Use our simple tool to engage your website audience, provide better customer support.
Auto-Reply Bot
Data Reports
Full customization
We want to part of every
successful business

Some WA BIZ-BOT Solutions

Here is a few example engaging customers by leveraging Whatsapp Business APIs.

Appointment Booking

  • Book Appointment
  • Send confirmation
  • Manage appointments
  • Send Reminders
  • General Notifications
  • Marketing & Promotions

Would you need a Custom License?

Email us to support@keenthemes.com

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Use Our Custom Development Service. Click to Get a Quote
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